Friday, July 17, 2009

apa MAU mu?

17 Juli 2009 Indonesia kembali diteror.

2 ledakan di 2 hotel internasional hanya dengan selisih waktu 2 menit.

belasan korban meninggal, puluhan luka-luka, termasuk warga asing dan petinggi perusahaan.


beberapa tahun belakangan, Indonesia udah tenang dari ancaman bom. perekonomian membaik, pariwisata meningkat. sedih membayangkan semua itu (mungkin) akan tidak sebaik sebelumnya. sedih membayangkan image buruk, cap negatif terhadap Indonesia kembali dilayangkan bangsa-bangsa asing. sedih membayangkan kemungkinan negara-negara asing melarang bangsanya untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia. sedih membayangkan
usaha perbaikan ke arah lebih baik (seperti) harus mundur beberapa langkah, entah kapan bisa majunya ke arah yang stabil.


sebagai bangsa Indonesia, malu atas kejadian seperti ini. seakan pemerintah ga bisa mengantisipasi teror seperti ini. apalagi ternyata ada isu untuk menggagalkan pemilu (yg belum dikonfirmasi berkaitan ato ngga).malu karena masalah di Indonesia ga abis-abisnya. apalagi kalo ternyata pelakunya (mungkin) adalah orang Indonesia sendiri. what the hell were they thinking about? menyusahkan negara sendiri. dimana rasa bhinneka tunggal ika? dimana rasa nasionalisme?

apa mau mu teroris? nggak cukupkah perisitwa bom beberapa tahun yang lalu yang udah memporak porandakan Indonesia? gara-gara ulahmu banyak orang susah, banyak orang kehilangan keluarganya, banyak orang kehilangan masa depannya. untuk apa? for nothing. apa yang kau cari? idealisme politik? dengan mengorbankan orang-orang yang tak berkaitan dan mencoreng citra negeri sendiri? i know u are smart, but please your brain to achieve your goals peacefully. (tapi namanya teroris ga pernah jalan damai sih ya hehe). sayang aja sih, Tuhan dah ngasih otak yang cerdas, tapi dipake secara nggak bertanggung jawab. nggak takut ya kalo talent nya diambil sama Yang Di Atas?

terlepas dari apa yang gue rasakan, gue tetep berusaha mengambil sisi positif dari masalah ini. permasalahan dan bencana bisa menyatukan manusia, bisa menyatukan suatu bangsa. semoga aja melalui peristiwa bom ini bisa membuat bangsa Indonesia bersatu untuk membela bangsa dan negaranya dari serangan teroris. bersatu tanpa membeda bedakan agama, suku, ras, dan golongan. semoga juga melalui peristiwa ini bikin para elit politik pemerintahan kita, para capres cawapres, parpol-parpol yang tadinya saling serang jadi bersatu buat membela dan mempertahankan bangsa. (sayangnya gw ga bisa liat ini dari ketua tim sukses pasangan capres cawapres no.1 - sorry to say, tapi menurut gue pernyataan bang sony di konferensi pers itu hanya memperburuk dan memperkeruh suasana, terlepas dari benar nggak benar, pantas nggak pantas nya statement presiden sebelumnya.)

let's pray for Indonesia. siapapun kamu, dari agama manapun kamu, selama kamu masih merasa sebagai orang Indonesia, mari berdoa untuk Indonesia. Kesejahteraan dan kedamaian Indonesia adalah kesejahteraan dan kedamaian kita juga. God bless Indonesia

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Grandpa's Love Letter

couple of days ago, my Mom gave me some letters from my late grandpa when i was a child (about 6 years old). He had written that letter when he had been in USA visiting his daughters n grandchildren. (my aunties, uncles, n cousins) i was touched reading those letters, i could feel his love to me by only reading those letters. i never thought about him that way before. He passed away 13 years ago, 2 years after his trip to USA. and what i remembered from him was he was a strict person, and kinda cold. i was kinda afraid of him coz i had been told he was very strict. but i was wrong.

he was strict, but he loved his family very much. he put his family first, and managed to give the best for his family. i remembered he bought me my first bicycle when he got back from cirebon. he brought that bicycle all by himself. i didnt remember how he could brought that bicycle by using train, what i remembered, one day, he called me when he had just arrived at home and showed me that red bicycle. i was very happy.

there also things that i didnt remember before, but by reading those letters i knew. we used to eat ice cream together, and he used to bought me ice cream regularly. we used to eat fried chicken together. and in those letters he told me that he would took me to eat fried chicken and ice cream also when he got back from US. i was touched. suddenly i missed him very much.

in those letters he also told me that he had always remembered me when he saw ice cream stall, fried chicken restaurants, and draimollen ( i dont remember the spelling, n i dont know what it was exactly, my grandpa used to mixed indonesian, english, n dutch in one letter :) ). he also told me a couples of times to keep writing to him when i was not doing my homework. i guess i am kinda feel guilty now coz i hadnt write much to him at those times. coz he told me that he had been very happy when he received my letters for him. i wish i could wrote to him more, and made him even happier.

my grandpa was also a very loving person. on that letters, he often used 'loving nicknames' for me, that i never knew he used to called me that. and on the end of every letter, he had always wrote, "Be Careful, Yang. Love, Opa". Aww... i miss him so much... i wished i could hug him now.

reading those letters made me realized many things that i never knew before, especially about my grandpa's love for me. i was touched.

for my loving, caring, yet strict grandpa : Mr. E. Adiwardhana.
I love you. I really do.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

riding on that 'shinkanzen' again!

Im finding myself trapped on the very same situation again. the familiar feeling come all over again.

the feeling like i was on a very fast train, having no idea where i was going. having no idea what i should do. should i stop on the next station? or stopping on the last station? i even have no idea if i was on the right train or not. should i change train?

i didnt know where i am. i was on a country that i didnt know. with foreign language that i didnt speak. i was holding a map given to me before the journey, but i couldnt read it coz i havent translated it yet.

first, i had to learn to read the map. He who gave me this map is the only One who can help me translated it, coz He made it especially for me. so, what i should do is asking Him for help. but, He has His own way, and His unique way to answer,to help me. i havent understand it for now. i have asked Him, repeatedly, but i still was confused.

in the middle of my confusion, the train keep moving. and very fast. i feel like i wanted to stop the train from moving so fast. i feel like i couldnt keep up with the speed. i feel like i have to translate the map quickly then make decissions. but i (still) didnt know what to do.

dear He who gave me the map,
please show me how to read the map, please help me to translate it, or would You translated it for me? please? :)
i havent understand Your answer, but please help me to understand.